
I crack up just thinking about it!

This site is hilarious! I was cracking up before I even left the home page. That video is hilarious! Even if you aren't going to use the site, you need to watch that video. Ok, let's get serious. Blabberize allows users to upload photos of people (or animals, apparently) and make their mouths "move" to whatever audio you submit. You can record dialogue or upload it from a file. It's really fun. I couldn't get Brian to give me back my laptop last night, once I showed it to him, because he kept recording funny messages over and over. Thanks, Lori, for sharing this site!

Indexed: "Making Fun of Some Things and Sense of Others"

Indexed is a project by Jessica Hagy through which she explains some of life's issues on index cards in graphical form, using Venn diagrams, bar graphs, and such.  Her representations are very insightful and can be entertaining.  Thanks, Gail, for sharing.  Check out some of her work on the site.  Here are a few examples:

Calling in sick?

Better than a poke in the eye.

Even if she's got a screw loose.


Stop the Printing: Publish with issuu!

Have you seen issuu?   This site allows users to upload documents and convert them into digital publications that look like magazines with pages you can flip through.  They even have virtual shelves, so it looks like real magazines or newspapers sitting on a shelf. 

Learners could upload any files they create and turn them into professional looking publications.  They could thenshare them with you, so you can view them, too.  There are tons of other features, such as adding “friends” or creating groups.  You could create a group for your class, or you could have your learners befriend you on the site, so you could easily browse through your publications.  Take a look around at some of the publications others have created.  Many of them look amazing – I know our learners could create some awesome publications.  This could be an alternative to having the learners turn in a hard copy. 

Let me know if you want me to come teach your kids a workshop on using this tool.  It would be a cool way for kids to maintain a digital library of some of their projects.

Cool and Weird at the Same Time: Futuristk

Check out the site Futuris.tk.  This cool website allows users to send messages to themselves or others in the future.  Users can create multimedia messages that incorporate text, audio, video, or images, and then choose a date for the message to be delivered.  They can be sent to yourself or to others.  I smell project...


(The weird part is that you can have the message sent to people only after you have passed away...)

Another Way to Be Green...

If you ever need to print information from websites, printfriendly is a cool site that will format it to minimize the amount of paper used.  Even better, it will also allow you to save the information as a pdf file.  Check it out at the URL below: